ASA Diet & Supplement Support Mini Course

DOORS ARE OPEN TO OUR FIRST-EVER COHORT OF ASA Diet & Supplement Support Mini Course 


Dear Parent,

I have received over a thousand DM & comments in my IG, hundreds of FB & YT comments saying... 

"Dr. T., My child is not getting the right nutrition, is a picky eater, and I am at a loss trying to figure out what to feed and if he is getting

proper nutritional support or not. Please suggest some DIET guide. Please tell us which supplements to give him? 

I was skeptical if the offer would confuse parents about the need for other support or not. So I did a survey and ....

55.5% Said, "They understand that SUPPLEMENT is just an ADDITIONAL layer of support and their kid needs more"!!

33.33% Said, "They are scared to start the full support and system, so just focus on supplementation now."

11.11 % Said, "They are not very clear, But they think supplementation is easy to do"

So essentially, People KNOW that supplementation is NOT the FULL support and is just a step towards starting the journey. 

can start the Delay Recovery and Brain Development ASAP.  Therefore, the E-BOOK was born. 

And true to my nature I felt the E-book is not THE BEST THAT I CAN do for you because you need more right?

So, I gave MORE, and I turned the E-Book into a full-fledged MINI OURSE!!! With Videos Tutorials and Written information,

with Direct LINKS TO BUY THE PRODUCTS and extra EARLY BIRD BONUSES. YOU INTERESTED?? Scroll down to grab the OFFER.


Here are the things that you will learn from reading this book/ course, watching the video tutorials and most importantly USING



The importance of GUT HEALING and some resources on how to start that.

The importance of SUPERFOODS and how to incorporate them to your child’s diet.

The importance of Probiotics and Fish oil for Gut-Brain healing and development and how to incorporate them in your child’s regiment.

A run down on our 5 PILLARS TO AUTISM SUCCESS SYSTEM© so that you can help your child achieve phenomenal success in his/ her life.

Most importantly,

THE SUPPLEMENT LIST and LINKS to order them PLUS post-order BONUS CLASS to teach you how best to dose and use them for your child.

Now all that comes at ONLY 37 USD!!

We never had anything like that in the 4 years of serving this community. As a customer and loyal fan of ours, if you decide to join our other programs

(which I know you will), you will automatically GET LOYALTY UPGRADE BONUSES. 

Its a win win thing you bet.

And so I was on it! Alhamdulillah, I can share the major guidelines on DIET, NUTRITION & SUPPLEMENTATION so that you,


If you need to talk before you send payment, then REPLY TO THIS EMAIL @ OR

WHATSAPP ME AT +16134102027.

Let's liberate you and your child on the spectrum.

Welcome to Autism Success Academy: Summer School

The place to be to achieve transformational recovery & success for your autism child.
Talk to you soon


Dr. Tasnuva Tunna

Autism Success Academy


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